Whether you are having a new website built for a brand-new company, or you’re venturing out for the first time into the online world of websites, there are definitely a few things that you’ll need to know before you get started. While you need not know the technical details that go into website building, it’s beneficial to have an idea of the project requirements as well as the building and designing process.
But first, ensure that you choose an expert website designer so that they can offer guidance along the way, and so that the end product is a site you can be proud of!
As professional website designers and builders, Big Rock Graphics has dealt with many first time website clients, and we have used this experience to provide you with the following information.
Why You Need a Website
Well done on realising that your brand needs a website: because it does. In the digital age that we live in, a business would suffer greatly if they did not have a fully optimised website where their details, products and services were listed.
What Information You Will Need to Provide: Before the Build
Before your professional website designer starts building your website, there are some things that you’ll definitely need to know, and some information that you will need to provide the designer with. This may include:
- Define Your Purpose – What is the purpose of the site that you want to build? Is it an e-commerce site designed to sell your products or is the site you wish to create purely informative.
- Choose a Platform – Most professional web designers will work with a variety of platforms and give you options when it comes to platforms for your site. While the web builder may be able to recommend a platform that suits your brand, it is best to do some of your own research about the different platforms available so that you can make a completely informed decision.
- Choose A Website Name, Address and Register A Domain – Choose a web address that has your brand’s name in it and that is easy to remember. You may get thrown off a bit if your first choice of web address is not available, but ensure that you think clearly before settling on a web address.
- Know Your Budget – While your budget should not be too small when investing in a quality website, you want to ensure that you can afford the web designer services as well as the monthly web hosting fees before you agree to anything. Remember that you can always add more advanced and costly features at a later stage.
Big Rock Graphics offer a range of solutions for payments, from interest-free set contract periods, to low cost ongoing monthly packages which include ongoing hosting and maintenance fees.
To expedite the process, it is best that you gather all this information before you start talking to a web designer. With the information above, a website developer should be able to secure a domain name for you. This can be done at the very early stages of a business idea, and you could even wait a while to develop your business strategies and goals before starting the design stage.
What Information You’ll Need To Provide: In The Beginning Stages
Now it’s time for the design process! And no better time to have a detailed brief ready to go. During the beginning stages of a website, your website designer should be in regular contact with you to discuss different site features, the look and feel, the content and images etc. During this stage you may need to provide the following information:
- Template – The web designer may show you a variety of templates appropriate for your business and you will have the final say of which template is used. In order to make the decision easier, you should have a clear vision for your site and what features it will need in order to serve your customers effectively. Research a few websites from other businesses similar to yours and get a feel for what templates they use.
- Colour Scheme – If your business is fully fledged already, your marketing department could provide the web designer with the colour schemes of your current marketing material for inspiration. If not, you may have to come up with a colour scheme on your own, or ask your web designer for their thoughts. Perhaps save links of existing websites that have colour schemes that you think could work well for your busines website.
- Logo – Your business logo is something that should appear multiple times throughout your website. If you are not proud of your logo, you may want to consider having it redesigned. If you do not have a logo at all, most web designers also provide graphic design services and can probably create an eye-catching logo that works cohesively with your site for an additional fee. Your logo should also be in the correct file formats so be sure to have those handy.
- Target Audience – Who is your website aimed at? Having a defined target audience is very important for every aspect of your site; from the layout to the language that is used in the content. If you don’t know who your target audience is, it’s imperative that you do some market research to find out a bit more about your ideal customer before the beginning stages of your website take place. It would be futile to market towards the wrong audience.
- All Brand Details – It’s important for the web designer to know as much about your company as possible. If you have a company profile, be sure to send it through to them. Also ensure that you have all of your basic info, such as location and contact information easily accessible as this will need to be loaded onto the site.
- Photos – Do you have high-quality images of your business premises, products, staff and services? While you can always use stock images on your site (there are some great ones out there), it is always best to allow your individual brand voice speak for itself through your own photographs. You may want to consider hiring a professional photographer to get some high-quality shots of your premises, staff and products before embarking on creating a brand new website.
- Email Address and Social Media – If you do not already have a dedicated email address for your business, you may want to look at creating one so that it can be added to your website. You should also seriously consider creating social media profiles on various social platforms for your business so that social media links can be added to your site, and website links can be added to your social media pages. A website and social pages work best when in unison.
Having all this information ready for your website developer (builder) will assist in giving them a clear and concise idea about what you want and make the entire process of building your website easier, and faster.
What to Expect During the First Stages of the Process?
While your excitement to have your very first website ready and live on the web may override your patience, it is important to remember that great website design and development takes time. The process, while not too lengthy, can take time.
Also remember that the process of website development is a cohesive one so be prepared to work closely with your designer and be readily available to review drafts, check changes and approve different elements of the website. The process also involves, or should involve, many drafts.
Professional designers always ensure that different website options are provided to allow for choice, along with different drafts throughout the different building stages.
A Website is an Investment
A website can stay with your business for life. While it may require ongoing platform/framework updates or initiating SEO/SEM campaigns, if you invest in a quality website in the beginning you won’t need it redone in the future. Your website acts as the online face of your brand, so you want to create the right impression with an optimally-functioning, attractive website.
Knowing the details of your company and having a clear vision for your website will help ensure that your site accurately reflects your brand’s voice.
Need to know more?
Looking for the best company to build your very first website?
At Big Rock Graphics, we have dealt with many first-time clients and have a true passion for bringing brand new sites to life. Allow us to be the team that brings your website vision to life.
Contact Big Rock Graphics today!